Spring Term 2019 Newsletter
Dates for your diary
Book week
We will be celebrating world book day which falls on the 7th of March. For the whole of that week, children can bring in their favourite story to share or dress up as a favourite character if they would like to.
Pancake Party
We will also be celebrating pancake day with a pancake party on Tuesday 5th March
Sponsored scoot
We would like to invite all the children to take part in a sponsored scoot. Week beginning 1st of April. More details to follow but get practising!
Easter Fair
Saturday 30th March
In the nursery 10am-12
Visit the Easter Bunny in his burrow, lots of fun spring crafts and Easter treats.
Thank you to all of you who returned the questionnaire. We really appreciate your comments, it helps us to improve the service we offer families.
Many of you have asked after Sherrie. We are pleased to report that she is recovering well and will be back to work very soon!
We are having increasing numbers of precious cuddly toys arriving at nursery. We try to encourage the children to keep them in their trays but they tend to escape and get lost. We also find that it inhibits the children’s play if their arms are full of cuddly toys. Please leave toys at home if you can. We do understand that some are needed for comfort and reassurance and we will ask children to keep them in a safe place while at nursery.
As the weather gets warmer and jumpers come off please name items of clothing.
End of term Fri 5th April
Term 5 starts 24th April