Christmas Newsletter 2019

Here is a list of upcoming events for your diary:

Friday 15th November—Light Up All Saints
A fun evening taking the children for a walk in the dark (with torches etc.) then back to nursery for Hot Chocolate and Hot dogs.

Don’t forget to let the office know no later
than 9:30 on Wednesday 13th November if
you are coming as we need to order sausages etc.

Saturday 30th November—Christmas Fair 10:00—12:-00 in the nursery.
Lots of fun for all the family. A certain Father Christmas will be making an appearance and
various stalls, raffles etc.

We would be grateful for donations of Bottles, cakes, toys or chocolate for Tombola prizes.
Thank you.

Week commencing 2nd December—Secret Shopping week.
An opportunity for your child to buy small gifts for family, friends and pets. Further details will follow.

Friday 13th December—Nativity Play 1:30—2:30
This is for children who will be leaving in July only.
A list of costumes will be put in the foyer nearer the time.