February 2017 Newsletter
This term’s theme
We will be thinking about the theme of Growing
- W/C 20-2-17 How food grows
- W/C 27-2-17 Farms
- W/C 6-3–17 Babies
- W/C 13-3-17 Minibeasts
- W/C 20-3-17 Easter
- W/C 27-3-17 Easter
Term dates
- Term commences Mon 20th Feb
- End of term Wed 29th March
- Next term Wed 19th April
Dates for your diary
Saturday 4th March
St Marys School 7.30-10-30
Quiz night and music bingo £5 per person, teams of 6-8 or join another team. All in aid of nursery funds. Please book your tickets in the office.
Easter Fair
Saturday 25th March
Good News!
Tesco bid
We have been lucky enough to be awarded a sum of money to upgrade our garden from the Tesco bags scheme. Thank you to everyone who posted their tokens.
Parent Consultations
If you missed your parent consultation due to the Monday closure or any other reason, please speak to your key person and we can rearrange.
Thank you for all the questionnaires that were returned. Several people commented that they didn’t know how to add observations from home to Tapestry. I have attached the instructions
to this newsletter but if you need more help let us know.
Can we please remind you not to put eggs in any form into lunch boxes, or nuts please, as we have children with allergies.
Can you please put your child’s name in their clothing and also on their contact bags.
We welcome donations for snack time please, just one item per week each would help us considerably or if you prefer, loose change into the donation pot. Thank you.