January 2018 Newsletter
Welcome back, we hope you all had a great Christmas.
This term’s theme
We will be thinking about the theme of Mathematics.
- W/C 8.1.18—Numbers everywhere
- W/C 15.1.18—Number stories
- W/C 22.1.18—Number songs
- W/C 29.1.18—How much/ How many
- W/C 5.2.18—Up and down (1 more/1 less)
Please help your child by looking for numbers in the environment while you are out and about.
We will also be working on independence skills, please help us by putting your child in easy clothes (Joggers or leggings are ideal) and shoes that they can fasten by themselves (please no laces)
Dates for your diary
Sunday 21st January @ 7:30 p.m.
Wine and Wisdom—held by The Monument (proceeds to Nursery). Tables/teams of 6 £5.00 per person to include a sharing platter of food. Please Book a table in advance at The Monument 01227 264155 (whitstablemonument@hotmail.co.uk). Tickets to be purchased on the night. Donations for Raffle Prizes gratefully received!
Please don’t forget that Tapestry is a two-way process. We love to see pictures from home and the children really benefit from talking about them with their key person and friends.
Any problems with adding observations from home please let us know.
There is a box for snack donations in the lobby. If you are shopping and would be able to donate something for the week that would help us offer the children a wide variety of items. Please see the list for items that are popular! Fresh fruit would be great.
New email address
Just a reminder that our new email address is:
Don’t forget to check out our new website for up to date information on term dates, news etc. www.allsaintsnurserywhitstable.co.uk
Term dates
- Term commenced Thursday 4th January
- Half term 9-2-18
- Next half term begins 19-2-18
- Easter holiday 28th March to13th April
- Summer term begins Mon 16th April
- Half term 28th May to 1st June
- Summer term ends 23rd July
Thank You
The staff would all like to say thank you for your very generous contributions to our Christmas meal. It was a great night at the Monument!