June 2018 Newsletter
Themes for this term – Exploring Whitstable!
- Local shops and buildings
- The Church and local area
- The Beach
- The Sea
- The Castle
- Houses and homes
- Sports and celebrations
Please don’t forget to suncream your child before nursery if the weather is good or they lose lots of garden time waiting to be sun creamed.
As most of you will know Echo our SENCo left us in May due to family issues. We have appointed a new SENCo this week. She trained at the nursery a few years ago and has an early years degree and has lots of SEND experience.
As we reach the end of the academic year we will be making your Tapestry journals available to download. You can then save them to your devices to treasure forever or print them off as a lovely record of your Early Years Education. There is a time limit on downloads so watch out for further instructions as we get towards the end of term.
Important Dates
Lots going on this term particularly for leavers so look out for dates and letters on your peg in the lobby.
Parent Consultations (Children going to School)
W/C 25th June
Summer Fair
Sat 7th July 3-7pm
Help needed – see below!
Art Exhibition for all children
Friday 13th July 5-7pm at nursery
All children will have created a masterpiece for our All Saints miniature village. Come and view them and join in the street party!
Sports Day for all children
Monday 16th July 1.30pm in Vicarage garden
Leavers graduation Service
Fri 20th July in main hall. 1.30pm
Nursery will finish after the service
Term Dates
Last day of term is Monday 23rd July. This will be a fun messy play day so wear old clothes!
New Term starts Thurs 6th September
Could we politely request that parents do not linger chatting in the middle of the room at drop off time? It can get really noisy and a bit overwhelming for the children. Thank you.