September Newsletter
We are developing a slightly different system of planning which will involve focusing on children’s interests. Each child will be “focus child” at least once a term and after their focus week we will meet with you to discuss achievements, progress and next steps. We will still be celebrating general events throughout the year and learning about Autumn, Christmas etc.
Please keep adding your observations and photos to Tapestry. Its great for the children to share them with us.
We will soon be organising some exciting events for this term. If you are able to help on the parent and friends committee we are in great need of some new members. Its not a big commitment and we usually meet at The Monument for a glass of wine!
We will soon be organising events for Christmas so all helpers welcome! Next meeting Wed 10th October 7.30pm at The Monument – Just come along!
Please be careful with packed lunches, we have children with nut and egg allergies. Please do not put any form of nuts or eggs in their lunch including peanut butter. Please also remember to cut grapes, mini sausages and cherry tomatoes lengthways to prevent choking.
It really helps us if parents can donate some items for snack so that the children have a good variety. There is a box in the lobby and a list of suggested items.
Please name clothes especially jumpers/shoes
Parent Pay
As you will know we have a new payment system running. You should have received your activation details by letter. Any difficulties or queries please ask in the office. If you would like to know more, come along to a chat on 12th October at 9.15am at nursery